Chicken Eggs and Bean Tails


Our grade 4 class from Northmount School and our grade 9 class from Spruce Avenue School had some special visitors from the U of A Alumni Association.  They were their to write a fabulous article on what it is like to visit U School.  We were lucky enough to have sessions about plant development and a chicken dissection for them observe.  Check out what they thought of the U School experience!

Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week!


We would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of the classroom volunteers and presenters, without whom we could not make U School the experience that it is.  All of our students greatly appreciate the time that you offer to the program and you will never know the vast impact you have on our students’ lives.  U School can never thank you enough.

Please check out this video that U of A Alumni Relations produced on one of our long time volunteers, Cathy Zoleta.