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U School has had the great fortune of partnering with the Philosophy for Children program for some of our sessions.  Many students are not really sure what Philosophy actually is but, through a series of activities, Jason and his team help our students create a definition of the discipline.  The students really get a lot out of these sessions and have some thoughtful reflections on what they have experienced:

  • ‘Philosophy was really weird and it took forever just to figure out how to split the candies evenly.  I felt exhausted from work!’
  • ‘…cool dudes named Luke and Jason talked about them studying how people think.  We also did activities needing good listener and coordination and, yes, we failed at both.  We also explained further and connect it to the world.  It showed me that greediness is a big problem for making the world a better place.’

We are so grateful to the Department of Philosophy for putting this program on.

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