Thank You and Welcome to Our Sponsors

to our 2012-13 U School Sponsors:

and THANK YOU to our new sponsors for this year:

Presentation of donation from the TELUS Community Foundation L-R:  Edmond Levasseur, Ken Regan (co-chairs-U School Committee), Dawn Newton, Don Lowry (TELUS Community Foundation Representatives), Lisa Brunelle (U School Site Coordinator), Chancellor Emeritus Linda Hughes.

Welcome Amissa!


U School is excited to welcome Amissa Jablonski to the U School team!  Amissa has been seconded from the Office of the Registrar to help out as U School grows.  With bachelor’s degrees in both Science (Pharmacology) and Education (Elementary) from the U of A, Amissa had the great fortune of volunteering with us for two years before joining as staff.  She is helping out with leading classes, volunteer management, brainstorming campus connections, online presence and anything else we need her to do :).  Make sure you say ‘hi’ when you come to U School!

What Is U School?

U School is a program that invites students in grades four through nine from socially vulnerable areas to come to the University of Alberta for a week to learn.  We focus on offering a wide variety of experiences to our classes to ensure they have rich learning opportunities and broaden their educational horizons.  The program follows the Inquiring Minds model developed by Dr. Gillian Kydd.  Our students attend various sessions related to their classroom learning objectives throughout the week and are given the opportunity to write in their journals about what they have observed, experienced and learned.

Students from St. Catherine School Journalling in the Timms Centre.


For more information on U School, please contact the U School Site Coordinator, Lisa Brunelle at 780-492-1357.