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Phys Ed Resources


Our amazing U School physical education teacher, Brent Bradford, has passed along some great tips and resources for building a rich and robust phys ed program for your students:

Alberta Education – ABCD’s of Physical Education 
Activity: Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities.
Benefits of Health: Students will understand, experience, and appreciate the health benefits that result from physical activity.
Cooperation:Students will interact positively with others.
Do it Daily … for Life!: Students will assume responsibility to lead an active way of life.

The Four General Outcomes (ABCD’s) are interrelated and interdependent. Each is to be achieved through a variety of physical activities. Students must have the opportunity for participation in each of the following dimensions …

Three Websites Recommended for Active Students, Educators and Families

About ualbertaschool

U School is a volunteer program which brings classes of grade 4-9 students from socially vulnerable and rural schools to the U of A’s North Campus for a full week of on-site learning and discovery.

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