Thank You EPCOR!

U School would like to say a huge
to the EPCOR Community Essentials Council (ECEC) for their generous donation this week.  Thanks to sponsors like them, U School is able to offer programming to our students.

Ken Regan, Edmond Levasseur (Co-Chairs, U School Committee); Chancellor Ralph Young; Brian Gerdes, Emmy Stuebing, Clenna Rauch (ECEC Council Members)


Teachers, does U School look like an experience your students might enjoy? Do you teach in a socially vulnerable school or one that would fit our new rural opportunity designation?  Then apply today to be part of our 2013-14 U School cohort!  U School is currently accepting applications for the upcoming school year.  If you are interested in applying or have questions, come visit us at booth 526 at GETCA (February 28 and March 1), come to our information night at the Blatchford Hangar (March 6, 4-6pm) or contact Lisa directly.

Applications are due Friday, April 19 at 4pm and teachers will be notified of their application status by Friday, May 24.  Please see our website for sample applications and timetables.  We would love to see you as part of our 2013-14 year!

Ever wonder who made Alberta beef so awesome?  Or why lactose intolerant people can drink goat’s milk?  Or how far you can drive on the methane produced by one cow in one day?  Or perhaps you just like watching grown adults dress up in chicken suits.  If any of these sounds interesting to you, then check out the University of Alberta’s There’s a Heifer in Your Tank.  The brainchild of 3M Teaching Award winning, Dean of Students, Dr. Frank Robinson, Heifer in Your Tank developed as a final project for an Animal Science class offered at the U of A.  In a nutshell, students come up with ‘science answers to the quirky questions you never knew you had about animal agriculture.’

While the HIYT website provides a great archive of interesting answers to previous years’ questions, why not check out the show live!?!?  Heifer in Your Tank will be at Northlands Farm and Ranch Show on Friday, April 5.  The show starts at 7pm and admission to the Farm and Ranch Show after 5pm is free!



The seven liberal arts – Picture from the Hortus deliciarum of Herrad von Landsberg (12th century)

Are you a teacher of grade 8 or 9 or a student in those grades?  If so, check out the U of A’s Liberal Arts Day 2013 on Friday, May 3, 2013.  This half-day event is held on the UofA campus and provides Grade 8/9 students a hands-on approach to exploring careers and topics in the social sciences and humanities:

For examples of what to expect at Liberal Arts Day 2013, take a look at our Teacher’s Guide from 2011.

U of A Farm

This gallery contains 24 photos.

Today, our class visited the University of Alberta Farm (Edmonton Research Station), located at South Campus.  Our host, Chelsea taught us the difference between beef cows and dairy cows, as well as the reasons for bio-security measures at the Station.  We then made the short trek to the Dairy Research and Technology Centre where we got… Read more.

Thank You and Welcome to Our Sponsors

to our 2012-13 U School Sponsors:

and THANK YOU to our new sponsors for this year:

Presentation of donation from the TELUS Community Foundation L-R:  Edmond Levasseur, Ken Regan (co-chairs-U School Committee), Dawn Newton, Don Lowry (TELUS Community Foundation Representatives), Lisa Brunelle (U School Site Coordinator), Chancellor Emeritus Linda Hughes.

Welcome Amissa!


U School is excited to welcome Amissa Jablonski to the U School team!  Amissa has been seconded from the Office of the Registrar to help out as U School grows.  With bachelor’s degrees in both Science (Pharmacology) and Education (Elementary) from the U of A, Amissa had the great fortune of volunteering with us for two years before joining as staff.  She is helping out with leading classes, volunteer management, brainstorming campus connections, online presence and anything else we need her to do :).  Make sure you say ‘hi’ when you come to U School!